Psammophyte ecological analysis of the Tersko-Kumsk lowland is given in the article on the basis of the habitat conditions, limiting factors, and floro - and phytocenotic essence. Five groups of species among psammophytes are emphasized.
psammophytes, euhalophytes, crinohalophytes, glycophytes, ecology, halotolerants, gallophobes, sclerophytes, mesophytes, succulents
1. Gayrabekov H.T. Psammofity Tersko-Kumskoy nizmennosti (ekologo-biologicheskiy i geograficheskiy analiz): avtoref. dis.. d-ra biol. nauk. - 58 s.
2. Bush N.A. Botaniko-geograficheskiy ocherk Kavkaza. - M.; L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1935. - 108 s.
3. Galushko A.I. Flora Severnogo Kavkaza. - Rostov n/D.: Izd-vo RGU, 1978-1980: T. 1. - 1978. - 317 s.; 1980. - T. 2. - 350 s.; 1980. - T. 3. - 327 s.