The article is devoted to the Krasnoyarsk region industrial enterprise adaptation to the system of the Council of National Economy (CNE) (1957-1965). Five groups of the enterprises, depending on complexity of their entrance into the new, decentralized control system are emphasized on the basis of the archival sources.
CNE, Council of National Economy, Krasnoyarsk economic region, industry, adaptation, decentralization
1. Centralizaciya i ierarhichnost' kak bazovye aspekty obraza vlasti v Rossii // Perspektivy. Fond istoricheskoy perspektivy. URL: i ijerarkhichnost kak bazovyje aspekty obraza vlasti v rossii 2010-09-21.htm.
2. GAKK. F.R-1408(fond SNH). Op.1 D. 2.
3. 3. Tam zhe. D.1
4. XXI (vneocherednoy) s'ezd KPSS: stenograficheskiy otchet. T. 1. - M.: Gospolitizdat, 1959. -URL:
5. GAKK. F.R-1408 (fond SNH). Op.1. D. 128.
6. Tam zhe. D. 241.
7. Mashinostroenie // Tr. konf. po razvitiyu proizvoditel'nyh sil Vostochnoy Sibiri. - M.: Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960.
8. GAKK. F.R-1408 (Fond SNH). Op.1. D. 5.