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Abstract (English):
The comparative analysis of the abnormal sperm forms number and the revealed morpho-functional nucleolus types with differentiated calculation of active and inactive variants under the heavy metal salt influence in the cells of spermatogenic epithelium is conducted. It is determined that under 24-hours of zinc chloride influence the structure and number of nucleoli varied slightly, while 5 and 10 days influence showed the great increase in the percentage of cells with chromatin degradation and the increase in the number of large and especially small nucleoli in them. The number of germ cells pathological forms also increased within 10 days, that indicates the germ cells apparatus genetic and nucleolar damage according to the type of transcriptional activity reduction directly related to xenobiotic influence time.

spermatozoon, zinc chloride, heavy metal, influence, nucleoli, nucleus, cell, spermatogenic epithelium
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