Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paleoecological research results of the submerged relict peatland in the Khatanga river valley are presented. It is determined, that the specific structure of plants-peatforming from the basis of a peat deposit and up to its top layers changed a little, that testifies to absence of ecological conditions essential fluctuations during its formation. On the basis of level-by-level radiocarbon dating linear speed of peat accumulation is counted up. It is shown, that the received sizes of peat accumulation speed provided that the peat deposit was generated during subAtlantic time, contradict the literary data. The grounded proofs that the buried relict peatland could be formed only during the warm period of Holocene - the Atlantic period are given.

submerged relict peatland, stratigraphy, peat accumulation speed, semi-fossil wood, the Holocene
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