The analysis of the three Russian State Standards, charged with project management, the comparative analysis of national and international standards for project management are conducted. The management system developed by A. Fayol is supplemented by the sixth function and its characteristic is given.
management, projects, project management standards, A. Fayol
1. Pervushin V.A. Problema upravleniya innovacionnym proektom. - 1-e izd. - M.: Prospekt, 2011.
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3. GOST R 54870-2011. Proektnyy menedzhment. Trebovaniya k upravleniyu portfelem proektov (Rossiya).
4. GOST R 54871-2011. Proektnyy menedzhment. Trebovaniya k upravleniyu programmoy (Rossiya).
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6. A Guidebook of Project and Program Management for Enterprise Innovation. - Yaponiya, 1996.
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