The microbiological factors of carbon and nitrogen transformation in Middle Siberia forest soils are researched by the authors of the article. It is established that the general efficiency of bacteria and micromycetes in the studied soils makes 1,2-3,8 t/hectare in the top layer of 0-50 cm, microbic biomass rated carbon changes within 0,7-1,3 t/hectare, or 0,4-1,7 % from the general carbon. Humus energy in transition from southern taiga subzone soils to northern cryogenic soils decreases from 27,9х108 to 1,3х108 kcal/hectare. The nitrogen and carbon microbiological transformation can serve as an indicator of the soil forest vegetation ability (fertility).
microorganism ecology, Middle Siberia, carbon transformation, nitrogen transformation, soil fertility
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