The main arrangements allowing to create comfortable conditions for the applicant service in the offices of paper document reception and delivery in the Krasnoyarsk region and aiming at improving the population literacy level in the land relations issues are considered in the article.
provision of public services, legal literacy, document reception and delivery, organizational work perfection, electronic queue, informing
1. Oficial'nyy sayt Upravleniya Federal'noy sluzhby gosudarstvennoy registracii, kadastra i kartografii po Krasnoyarskomu krayu [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
2. Federal'nyy zakon ot 24.07.2007 g. № 221-FZ (red. ot 08.12.2011) «O gosudarstvennom kadastre nedvizhimosti. - M., 2007.