The influence of the microclimatic conditions on the radial growth dynamics of Gmelin’s larch growing in the contrast conditions on the north and south slopes in the lower course of Kulingdakan River (Central Evenkia, village Tura) is researched. The tree ring width at the height of 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 trunk levels, including the top was measured on the coeval post-fire resumption model trees. The differences in the radial growth dynamics and the response to weather variation impact in trees growing in contrast conditions are revealed. It is shown that weather factors exert different in degree and duration influence on the radial growth of Gmelin’s larch trunks at different heights from the soil surface. It is suggested that these differences are conditioned by different hydrothermal properties of seasonal thawed layer.
dendroecology, permafrost, Gmelin’s larch, radial growth, climatic factors
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