The types of the built-up area zoning are considered, the scheme of zoning combining functional, territorial and cadastral zoning of the settlement lands is offered in the article.
land resource management, functional, territorial, cadastral zoning, residential, public-business, recreational, production area, zoning scheme
1. Zemel'nyy kodeks RF //
2. Gradostroitel'nyy kodeks RF //
3. Svod pravil SP 42.13330.2011 g. //
4. Prikaz Rosnedvizhimosti № P/0152 (v red. prikaza Rosnedvizhimosti ot 14.08.2008 g. № P/0284) //
5. Armand D.L. Nauka o landshaftah. - M.: Mysl', 1975. - S. 141.