In the conditions of Yakutia for the first time the lice Trichodectes pilosus among the horses of the herd keeping are detectedand treatment and preventive measures are conducted.
lice, horsesof the herd keeping, parasite, Yakutia, ectoparasites, treatment
1. Epizootologicheskaya situaciya po zoonozam i parazitarnym boleznyam zhivotnyh i ryb v Yakutii / L.M. Kokolova, V.M. Safronov, T.A Platonov [i dr.] // Vestnik SVFU. - 2012. - T.9. - № 3. - S. 86-91.
2. Tehnologiya primeneniya probiotika «Sahabaktisubtil» dlya normalizacii kishechnogo mikrobiocenoza loshadey pri degel'mintizacii / L.M. Kokolova, N.P. Tarabukina, M.P. Neustroev [i dr.]; RASHN Yakut. NIISH. - Yakutsk, 2013. - 14 s.