The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of different ways of the basic processing on the catalase activity leached chernozem Krasnoyarsk forest. Soil catalase activity was determined by gas-meter according to A. Galstyan. The dynamics of catalase activity in terms of minimization of processing is shown. The data on its spatial variation is achieved. The handling of different methods differently effected catalase activity. Conclusions. 1. The activity of catalase in the test soil was described as average (2,0-5,7 O2 cm 3/g/min). On average for two years minimum level was detected in the soil which was not machined. 2. Spatial variation of catalase activity was characterized by an average level, and its seasonal dynamics was the most significant, while minimizing treatments. 3. Among the factors studied, the level of catalase activity was influenced by seasonal oscillations and the nature of their interactions with the conditions emerging in the processing of the soil.
enzymes, catalase activity, no-till and minimum tillage
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