The type and amount of food for beaver (Castor Fiber) on Shushensky district territory (Krasnoyarsk region) within the Oya river basin was examined. The method of constant observing and investigating the nature of beaver’s food beavers was chosen. The observing of the beavers’behavior was conducted from early October to mid-November in 2014 in the period from 6 a.m. till leaving into the burrows and in the evening for two hours before complete darkness. One beaver family settled in the parts of the river Oya was observed. The animals store food reserves were kept in the water where the plants preserved nutrients till the end of winter or beginning of spring (February-March). According to the average estimate, the beavers family store up to 60 cubic meters of food. In order to keep the food unfrozen, beavers placed it below the water level, and when the pond froze beavers had unfrozen food resources. The dependence between the spending time on feeding and temperature changes per day with the increase in cold days increases the time spent on feeding.The data on the beaver feedtypeis given, the favorite food for beavers is twigs and young shoots of willow.
beavers, Oja river, food
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