The article presents the results of studies, concerning the determination of the optimal timing of harvesting and storage of summer and winter fruit varieties of apple trees, growing in a green area of Krasnoyarsk. The time of npening and harvesting is influenced by the growing area of apples and agrotechniques of cultivation. The collection of apple-trees, growing in the memorial part of the Botanical garden named after V.M. Krutovsky, includes 39 varieties. The investigated varieties are characterized by different ripening time and storage. The harvesting of apples in the Botanical garden named after V.M. Krutovsky in 2013-2014 took place from August, 11 (Arcades statinary) till September, 15-18. (Bismarck, Seropi, General Orlov). A variety of Arcade games statinary, Astrakhan white, White filling, Grushovka Moscow, Golden spike, Cinnamon striped, Medovka, Papirovka, St. Petersburg summer, Terentyevka are characterized by short-term storage period (from 9-10 to 35 days). Varieties, characterized by long duration of storage (from 2,5 to 6 months), are usually of the later dates of harvest. They include Antonovka ordinary, Arcades winter, Bismarck, Voronezh worgul, Wax, General Orlov, Green, the variety named after V.M. Krutovsky, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Siberian, Robin, Pepin-kitaika, Pepin saffron, Renet belamoty, Slavyanka, Sa- ropa. Apple collection of Botanical garden named after V.M. Krutovsky for 2013-2014 shaped fruit with a height of from 4,0 to 7,7 cm, with a diameter of from 3,8 to 7,4 cm. Maximum fruit weight reached 35-138 g, depending on a variety. The largest apples were Antonovka common (138 g), Brown striped (131 g), Bismarck (118 g), Sarobi (114 g), Papirovka (108 g). Apples differ in opening and storage. Varieties with a short storage time can be recommended for processing. Varieties with a long storage time are to be used for several months.
apple-tree, sort, stages of picking, picking maturity, harvest maturity, storage of fruits
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