Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The objective of research is studying of morfobiological variability and features of the structurally functional organization of coenopopulations of elecampane (Inula helenium L.) in various ecotops of the foothills of the North Caucasus. Researches were conducted in the territory of the Kabardino-Balkar Re- public at the height of 500-800 m above sea level. Research techniques included an assessment of variability of morphological features of plants, the analysis of age and spatial structure of coenopopulyations of various habitats of elecampane. Intra- and interpopulation variability of morphological features was estimated by variation factor and coefficient of a divergence. High phenotypic variability and ecological plasticity of Inula helenium L. are defined in a foothill zone of the North Caucasus. The following signs of plants have the high level of intra population variability: quantity of stem leaves, inflorescences, leaf length, mass of rhizomes with roots. The average level of variability characterizes the leaf width, diameter of a basket and number of seeds in a basket, and low characterizes the mass of 1000 seeds. The age range of the majority of the coenopopulations dated for various biotopes is full right-hand with the number maximum having on an individual of a middle-aged and old generative state. Optimum conditions for growth are the humidified habitats (inundated and marsh and edge). In adverse ecological and coenological conditions (roadside ecotops) the number and efficiency of individuals decrease. Mechanisms of maintenance of a type of Inula helenium L. in various ecological conditions are decrease in the sizes of individuals, change of the range of age, formation of bank of seeds. For cultivation of elecampane in a foothill zone of the high North Caucasus it is expedient to use individuals from characteristic habitats (inundated and marsh, edge ecotops).

Inula helenium L, foothill zone, North Caucasus, coenopopulyation, phenotypic variability, ecological plasticity
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