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Abstract (English):
The current level of production of fodder in the farms of the Amur Region does not completely meet the needs of animal breeding. It is important to make a greater acceleration in the increase of the proportion of grass-legume grasses and legumes in its pure form, which will increase the productivity of grasses in crop rotation and solve the problem of precursors. Experimental studies of the botanical structure of the seeded grass made of awnless brome and lucerne mixture and the influence of the ratio of their seeding rates on productivity in the southern zone of the Amur Region is carried out on the experimental field of the Far Eastern State Agrarian University. The awnless brome (sort VNIIS-54) and alfalfa (sort Ma- rusinskaya-425) were seeded. The controlled seeding rates of grass mixtures are recommended by the zone system of agriculture of the Amur region. Accounting and observation were carried out by conventional means. With the ability of active vegetative reproduction, herbage grasses almost do not reduce productivity during all the years of the study. In crops of brome and alfalfa on average the amount of cereal was 60, 3-70,0 %; 18, 8-34,2 % was in legumes, and 1,2-10,1 % was in grasses without fertilizers. When adding the calculated doses of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers the greatest number of brome was in the variant with higher seeding rates of cereal: brome was 18,2 + alfalfa 9,6 kg / ha - 80,1 % and beans in the version were 9,8 of brome + alfalfa 9,6 kg / ha was 21,5 %. In the study of the ratio of seeding rates of brome and alfalfa during intensive usage the highest yield was obtained in the variant with increased seeding rate of brome 18,2 + alfalfa 9,6 kg / ha - 2,3t / ha or 10,9 % more than in the control variant without fertilization. The collection of digestible protein is 98,091 / ha; the output of ball units was 0,981 / ha. To create seeded grasses in the southern zone of the Amur region it is recommended to use the mixtures of brome 18,2 + alfalfa 9,6 kg/ha.

long-term cereals and bean grasses, botanical structure, a parity of norms of seeding of grasses, efficiency
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