The aim of the study is to identify decadal influence of abiotic factors on the productivity of the growing season with hull and hulled barley varieties of different maturity groups in the partially wooded steppe of the Krasnoyarsk territory. The methods of investigation included making experiments and observations according to the procedure of state variety trials in 2002-2014. The experiments were laid in the fourfold repetition, plots Account area was 25 m 2. The impact of weather on crop yields was determined by correlation analysis with the help of D.W. Snedecor’s method and using the statistical software package, suggested by O.D. Sorokin. A strong positive relationship between the level of productivity and the amount of heat in the first and second decade of August revealed the correlation coefficient of 0,671 accessions from T12 to 0,746 from Omsk hull-less 1 and from 0,679 to 0,945 in Abalak saw Skipper. There was a strong positive level of communication amount of precipitation of the third decade of May varieties Buyan, Tu- leevsky and Zenith. Their correlation coefficients were, respectively, 0,748, 0,671 and 0,665. In the third decade of June, a strong correlation was observed in 0,724 Arata, Omsk hull-less 1 and Omsk 1 - 0,714; 96 - 0,673. In the second decade of August a high correlation dependence in Omsk hull-less1 2 0,731 and 0, 671 Arat was demonstrated. With an increase in hydrothermal coefficient (SCC) in the third week of May and June, during the second week of August the yield of barley varieties increased. There was a direct correlation in yields from SCC in the third week of May and the second week of August in half of the studied varieties. Between the SCC and the yield of the third decade of June a direct relationship was observed in 16 of the 22-option: the correlation coefficients were from 0,407 (Zenit) to 0,728 (Wiebke). Conclusions. The yield varieties of barley grew with the increasing the amount of heat during the first and second decades of August; with an increase in the amount of precipitation in the third decade of May, the third decade of June, the second and third decades of August; with increasing hydrothermal coefficient in the third week of May and June, the second and third weeks of August.
spring barley, yields, correlation, the amount of heat, amount of rainfall, hydrothermal coefficient
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