The aim of the study was to investigate pathological changes of reproductive system of laying hens, as well as related pathological processes identifying etiopathogenetic relationship between them. Materials and methods: the study was performed with carcasses of the fallen laying hens of breed Hisex white, contained at the poultry farm «Zorya» Yemelyanovsky district, Krasnoyarsk region. All investigated 54 dead birds were of reproductive age. Autopsy of the chickens was carried out by the method of full evisceration. Specific infection was excluded in all cases. The results of the research. At autopsy of dead hens the following picture of post mortem changes was found: in 100 % cases there were changes in the reproductive organs in the form of overview and salpingitis of different nature and severity of the flow. In phrenic cavity to 29,63 % of the cases the autopsy revealed signs of acute or subacute serous yolk peritonitis. The corpses of all the birds exhibited changes in the liver in the form of signs of granular and fat dystrophy. Changes in the gastrointestinal tract were characterized by the presence of acute inflammatory processes. Changes in the kidneys were observed in 88,9 % of cases and were characterized by granular fatty degeneration in 7 cases (13,0 per cent) showed signs characteristic for acute serous jade. Spleen - in 27,8 % of cases showed signs of hyperplasia, 9,3 % - atrophy, 90,7 % were signs of granular dystrophy. In the lungs there were acute congestive hyperemia, edema, and acute serous pneumonia (9,3 %). In the myocardium we observed 90,8 % of granular fatty degeneration, and acute congestive hyperemia. Conclusions: analyzing the research results we can conclude that the leading role in the development of pathological processes of the reproductive system in laying hens plays a reduced resistance of the organism birds on the background of the profound disturbance of metabolism as a result of violations of the standards of content and unbalanced feeding.
laying hen, reproductive system, ovaritis, salpingitis, pathological anatomy, pathomor- fological changes
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