In our opinion, one of the promising ways of increasing the productivity of pigs in conditions of industrial technologies may be the use of products of microbiological processing of dairy wheys on the basis of food additive «GidroLaktiV». In our opinion, one of the most promising ways of increasing the productivity of pigs in the conditions of industrial technology is using products of microbiotehnological processing of milk whey. For the experiment on the basis of analogy four groups of pigs aged 1 month to 15 animals in the group were selected. Piglets in the first control group were fed during the whole period of the experiment (1 to 3 months) according to the norms of Vijay. Piglets of the second, third, fourth experimental groups except the basic diet were additionally fed with the feed additive «GidroLaktiV» having 10; 15; 20 g per a head a day. On the basis of the research we can mention the following: the positive effect of feeding with the feed additive «GidroLaktiV» during the growing period of 1 to 3 months is noted in all test cases. However, the economic analysis of data from these studies showed that of all the tested options the most effective should be considered the feeding of the feed additive «GidroLaktiV» to piglets during their cultivation from 1 to 3 months in the amount of 15 g per a head, in addition to daily diet. With this embodiment, the gross weight gain of pigs in the period from 1 to 3 months increased by 23,5 %, while the cost of 1 quintal of live weight gain of pigs decreased by 5,0 % compared with the control group. To enhance the growth, preservation of pigs, increasing the total live weight gain of pigs and reduce the cost of 1 quintal of weight gain it is recommended to feed piglets during their cultivation from 1 to 3 months with the feed additive «GidroLaktiV» in the amount of 15 grams per a head in addition to the daily diet.
», pigs, live weight, average daily gain, feed costs, diet, growth, growing, feed additive «GidroLaktiV»
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