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Abstract (English):
The article represents the results of studying the efficiency of bioregulator «Bioximin» during pig manure utilization in the conditions of the farms of Kemerovo region. The technology of pig manure recycling includes the following operations: receiving the mother solution of the preparation; choosing of the open plot with clay loam for manure recycling and storage; introducing of the biopreparation into the manure by spraying of 391 of the mother solution per 301 of the manure; forming of the pile; storing of the treated pig manure at the positive temperature of the environment during 30 days; agitating of the manure during the introduction of the mother solution and then 2 times a week. The chemical, analytical and microbiological tests of the pig manure and the biofertilizer were conducted during the experiment. In 30 days after treatment of the pig manure with the microbiological preparation the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and ash content in the substrate increased: nitrogen - by 4,95 %; phosphorus - by 50 %; potassium - by 16,94 %; ash - by 67,63 %. Introduction of the microorganisms into the manure allowed reducing of bacterial contamination of the substrate but not eliminating it totally. The usage of the bioregulator under pig manure utilization didn’t influence the eimeria oocyst content in it.

pig manure, microorganisms, utilization
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