The purpose of the study is the assessment of the quality of sexual products and factors affecting the physiological parameters of the process. The object of the exploration was Terek brown trout, its spring and winter form, captured at the dam Pavlodolskaya in 2013. The catching was held in two periods: in spring (October) and in winter (December), the number was 30 samples of each form, i.e., 60 specimens: 10 males and 20 females. After the roe collection it underwent weight accounting, fertilization was produced by Russian method (dry method). Samples were 10 g each, the number of eggs was counted and factor-coefficient (index) of fertility was determined. The age of caught egg producers for females was - 4+ for males it was - 3+ years. Body weight at the time of capture was 0,8-0,9 in spring and 1,0-1,2 kg in winter. Time to spawn in the river Terek in spring form was from October till the beginning of November, for winter it was from the end of November to February. Absolute fecundity of females was very high, the mass of eggs in spring trout was 62,5, it was 75,2 mg in winter specimens, and they produced mainly large eggs with a diameter of 4,7 and 5,1 mm, respectively. 100 gram of it contained from 65,5 in spring and 0,72,2 thousand in winter, so the total number was 1,5 and 1,7 thousand. GIS were 20-23%. The difference in weight and diameter of ovulated eggs is reliable if B3 = 0,999. The largest trout roe was in winter. Taking into account the correlation between the index of relative body height and the width of back and productivity qualities of the trout as producers, we used as the basis of evaluation indicators. Conclusions. Terek trout (summer and winter) is characterized by high vitality, fertility (working and relative), the presence of high reaction on the pituitary injection. In spring it is 89%, in winter is about 97,7 % of the injected females, mature and product hard roe.
trout, spring and winter form, sexual products, food chain, chironomids
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