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Abstract (English):
In green area on the territory of Kemerovo region types of lilies are used very rarely. To identify the most promising types of lilies that were able to adapt to local hydrothermal conditions in the Kuzbass Botanical garden with 2012 the study is conducted with genus Lilium L. The aim of this work is summarizing the initial introduction, the definition of main stages of generative development, identifying the most promising species, which can enrich the cultural flora of the region. Objects of research were 7 species of the genus Lilium from the collection of the lilies of the botanical garden. The range of temperatures required for the onset of the main phases of generative developmen was defined. The least amount of heat was required for regrowth of L. callosum, L buschianum, the highest was for L.pumilum, L regale. For the formation of buds the highest the amount of temperature is required for L callosum, L pensylvanicum, L. regale, minimum L. pumilum, L buschianum. During the flowering period of greatest solar heat was required for L. callosum L. regale, for L willmottiae, L. pilosiusculum was the least. According to the results of the primary introduction all known species scored 90-100 points and are perspective for cultivation in the conditions of Kemerovo region.

lilies, introduction, phenology, the sum of temperatures, tree planting
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