The renewal of a Scots pine is one of the most important factors of stability of the forest cultures growing on dumps of overburden breeds. In type of small age of plantings in Kuzbass (till 40 years), self-renewal remains the least studied question of biology of pine planting. The purpose of the work was studying renewal of a pine in plantings on dumps in a forest-steppe subzone of Kuzbass. Factors of renewal allocated ecology-geographical zoning and a density of forest stands crowns. Works are carried out in 5 gradation of a density of crowns on 15 trial squares. Uniformity of placement and a number of renewal, age and high-rise structure, distribution on categories of state are studied. In a subband of a steppe kernel at unstable moistening uniform placement and the maximum number of renewal of up to 110.000 copies/hectare is noted, in a subzone of the southern forest-steppe at the increased moistening successful renewal is noted only in plantings with density of crowns 20-60 % and equals to 38.000 copies/hectare. The subzone of a northern forest-steppe with sufficient moistening according to quantitative characteristics of renewal is intermediate. In the stmcture of renewal of close plantings in all three subzones prevails the small subgrowth of the second category of state (doubtful), at age stmcture there are shoots and selfsowing (to 10-15%), the dependence of height of subgrowth on age is weak. Scarce plantings are characterized by the highest vital condition of renewal, i.e. the viable subgrowth (43-74%) which high-rise stmcture strongly differs depending on age prevails: at 6-8 summer age approximately small and average subgrowth (on 39-58%), in 14-year-old is equally allocated - the large subgrowth (81%) with average height of 352 cm sharply prevails. Thus, in the rare plantings there are optimum conditions for subgrowth development. Sites of dumps, adjacent to plantings, are characterized by a spomdic armngement (5-22%) of subgrowth and unsatisfactory renewal (2.000-3.000 copies/hectare).
dumps, Scotch pine, hypogenous field, wood restore density of a crown, self-sowing, subgrowth
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