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Abstract (English):
In 1998 red and motley breed of cattle of the dairy direction was approved as a new selection achievement. The breed occupies one of the leading places in the region in number and productivity. The sun/ey and analytical material on creation and development of breed in 1998-2015 is given in the study. The short characteristic of Simmentalsky breed as initial material for removal of new red and motley breed is submitted, methods of its breeding are proved. The thoroughbred cultivation used at improvement of Simmentalsky breed did not give desirable results, the increase of yields of milk made only 1,5-2 %. The results of crossing of simmental with Monbelyardsky, Ayrshirsky, black and motley breeds also had little effect and did not satisfy selectors completely. When using Golshtinsky breed at hybrids efficiency considerably increased, Morfofunctional properties of an udder were improved. Cows met the requirements for cultivation in the conditions of industrial technology more. The wide Golshtinization was promoted by government resolutions on the accelerated using of new breeds. In Siberian region farms-originators of red and motley dairy breed are the following leading breeding farms in Krasnoyarsk region: "A red beacon", "Nazarovskoye","Viadimirosky", "Krasnoturansky"; in Altai region are "Srostinsky", "Chistyunsky". More than 20 options of simmental-golshtinsky hybrids are tested. Perspective were hybrids with golshtinsky blood relationship (1/2; 1/4; 3/8; 5/8; 3/4 and 7/8) from which animals of desirable type for cultivation "in themselves" were selected. In the Siberian farms-origanators of herds of the large highly productive animals of red and motley color suitable for machine milking are created, at an average yield of milk of 6000-7000 kg of milk and a mass fraction of fat in it 3,94 %; protein -3,11; sugar 4,7-4,9, dry matter of 12,7-13,7 %. Their milk is used for production of high-quality butter, firm kinds of cheese and products for babies’diet.

cattle, red and motley breed, dairy efficiency, breed rating
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