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Abstract (English):
Bovine leukemia (Leucosis bovine), an infectious disease caused by a virus bovine leukemia, is characterized by increased proliferation of lymphoid cells of hematopoietic tissue in violation of differentiation. Leukemia is environmentally hazardous to human disease, because milk and meat of infected animals contain metabolite of tryptophan and other amino acids. The goal of the study is to analyze the epidemic situation of bovine leukemia in Khabarovsk region. As a result of analysis of these reports Veterinary Service in Khabarovsk region showed that the leukemia cattle had been registered in almost all settlements of region and suggests that the disease causes livestock great economic damage, hinders the development of breeding and, ultimately, reduces interest to engage in animal husbandry. The analysis of the epidemic situation of bovine leukemia in Khabarovsk region was performed using methods of epizootic studies and according to the scheme proposed by the All-Russian research institute of experimental veterinary medicine using three indicators: the percentage of infection, the percentage of patients, the number of disadvantaged areas. The conducted monitohng research on bovine leukemia showed the increase of epizootic process in terms of intensity and extensiveness. There are peculiarities of epizootic process on the background of increasing the incidence of infection in animals decreases. There is a clear trend to a hidden stream infection, as well as the reduction of characteristic changes for leukemia at the veterinary and sanitary examination and the carcasses of slaughtered animals.

leukemia, cattle, monitoring, infection, epizootic process
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