The use of acupuncture in various diseases in farm animals, namely cattle, y/e/cfs positive results, in this connection, acupuncture is currently one of the most promising therapies in veterinary medicine. It is used quite widely in Asia, Europe, America, and Russia. Interest in methods is explained by the fact that good impact on biologically active points is practically harmless, affordable and much reduces the time of treatment of animals. The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of biologically active points and their anatomic-topographic location on the belt of the thoracic limb of cattle. The study was conducted on clinically healthy cattle of black-motley breed in livestock farms of the Amur region. The examination of animals was performed using the diagnostic devices and stimulation of biologically active points and the prescribed method of determining biologically active points according to the regime ‘BiofoT. It also studied the literature both by Russian and foreign authors. The study of the literature showed the difference in the nomenclature, morphological description of the studied biologically active points of the study area zone of the thoracic limb of cattle. In the course of the investigation it was determined that the biologically active points are located at major nodes and joints belt thoracic limb of cattle. Biologically active points are located and projected onto the places of attachment of muscles, tendons and ligaments, articulations of bones - joints, as a large shoulder, elbow, and carpal and metacarpal joints, thereby controlling the bioenergy the most important parts of belt thoracic limb of cattle. The result of the study was the anatomic-topographic description and nomenclature of biologically active points of the belt of the thoracic limb of cattle according to the international veterinary anatomical nomenclature.
biologically active points, cattle, scapula, shoulder, forearm, wrist, fingers, limb
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