By preparing animals for long transportation careful selection of types of transportation and their assessment is necessary. The purpose of researches was to approve and offer a way of the fast accounting of clinical signs at animals and their processing. As the material for researches were the cows of black and motley breed of holstenized cattle of 1,5-2 years of age preparing for sending from JSC “Belorechenskoye” of the Irkutsk region to JSC “Dimskoye” of the Amur region. Evaluating tests at the heart of which had been put the standard criteria of an assessment of the clinical status of animals were prepared. As a result 170 signs which at visual survey of animals are very quickly distinguished and considered were picked up. The test table contained a set of the indicators estimating those signs, accession numbers of each specific animal. Further statistical processing was carried out by S.B. Stefanov and N.S. Kukharenko’s methods, where "+" was the sign bearing the positive clinical importance, and was negative. The offered technique is approved on a big livestock of different types of animals. The Work takes on average 1,5-2,0 hours for an assessment of 100-150 animals. Similar approach allows predicting the reaction of animals in the course of transportation, their exit from a transport stress and aims the personnel to the correct actions of animals training for long transportation.
clinical status, transportation, stress
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