The production researches were conducted on cattle of MTF JSC «Dimskoye» of Tambov region of the Amur territory, there were 96 cows and 33 firstcalf heifers under supervision during winter and stall period. The authors evaluated the results of using E-selenium in cattle during 2 months before calving and one month after calving. E-selenium (water dispersion vitamin and mineral preparation) was applied in combination with denatured emulsified placenta of fabric preparation. In the period before our studies on the farm from 70 to 83 % of cows were inseminated at the 5-7th month after calving. Therefore the branch of animal husbandry was not profitable. The use of E-selenium and denatured emulsified placenta in cows and firstcalf heifers beginning from the dry period contributes to the normalization of of the onset of sexual hunting and fertilit у timing.
sexual cyclicity, cattle, firstcalf heifers, calving, pregnancy
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