Researches were conducted in livestock farms of the Amur region during spring and summer periods. The authors studied the influence of a homeopathic medicine «Mastometrin» on dairy cows recovery with inflammatory diseases of a mammary gland. For the identification of patients with mastitis of cows, and also for definition of mastitis forms the Californian mastitis test was used. Biochemical researches of blood serum were conducted before carrying out experiments, researches carried out on a biochemical photometer of «StatFax 1904+R». Animals of experimental groups in biologically active point which is located in the center of a dairy mirror, entered injections of a homeopathic medicine of «Mastometrin» in a dose of 0,5 ml during 1 days. Mastometrin possesses anti-inflammatory action, stimulates fabric immunity, and restores secretion function of a mammary gland. Its introduction to BAHT in the center of a dairy mirror promoted normalization of exchange processes in cows. In the group of cows with subclinical mastitis after treatment the reliable increase in level of albumine was 21,7%, in glucose it was observed to 50 %. In the group of cows with serous mastitis after treatment it was noted reliable increase in the level of albumine on 33,1 and urea for 44,8 % against the decrease in level of bilirubin by 46,3 %. The treatment of the lactating cows with subclinical mastitis with a homeopathic medicine of «Mastometrin» led to an absolute recovery of animals.
mastitis of cows, biochemical researches, hematologic researches, Mastometrin
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