Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of Japanese sea cucumber extract and Far Eastern sea cucumber extract during the postpartum period and reproductive ability of cows in an experimental farm PGSHA. The tissue extracts from sea cucumbers were prepared using V.P. Filatov’s method. In dry period animals of control and test groups three times were injected intramuscularly with 10 ml tetravit with an interval of 1 days. Animals of the 1st experimental group at the same time were injected subcutaneously with 20 ml of the extract of sea cucumbers; animals of the 2nd experimental group were injected with marine sea cucumber extract. In 2-, 9- 15 days after delivery all groups of animals were injected with tetravit and animal test groups along were injected with the extract of tetravit. After childbirth for the removal of progesteron block in 1st and 3rd days of postpartum period (PDP) the population was injected with oily solution of sinestrol to 2-4 ml. On the 2nd and 5th days PDP were injected with 40IU oxytocin. Starting with the 5-th day of the PDP, animals had rectal uterine massage for 5 minutes every other day. To suppress vital activity of microorganisms in the utems furazolidon sticks were used. Cows in test groups were found to have a reduced incidence of postpartum endometritis, reducing the index of fertilization, reduction in duration of days of infertility. Sea cucumber fabric contains bioactive substances: gonadotropin, prostaglandins, steroid hormones and hormone-like lipids, vitamins, triterpenoid glycosides, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Far East sea cucumber extract had a more pronounced pharmacological effect than Japanese sea cucumbers extract.

cows, Far-eastern sea cucumbers extract, Japanese sea cucumbers, postpartum period of complications
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