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Abstract (English):
The results of long-term investigations on the introduction of 28 species from 13 genera of Ranunculaceae Juss. family in the collection nursery of natural flora of Yakutia of the Yakut botanical garden were considered in the article. Brief characteristics of life forms of 10 foremost perspective and rare species, as well as their distribution area in Yakutia, phenorhythm type, belonging to the group of flowering period, morphological description, and introductive persistence are given. According to phenorhythm, the introduced species are divided into 3 types: spring flowering - 11, summer flowering - 12, late summer flowering - 3. Ranunculaceae collection has 7 rare species listed in Red Data Book of Yakutia (Yakutia, 2000). According to economical value, 21 species are decorative and 7 are officinal, 27 species are reproduced by seeds. Volunteers appeared among the majority of the species. One species (Cimicifuga foetida) does not give mature seeds. Almost all tested species are not exposed to diseases and pests except for Ranunculus jacuticus (powdery mildew). Therefore, by introductive persistence, the species are divided into high stable - 20, stable - 5, introductive persistence of 3 species has not been revealed yet since they were brought under cultivation 2-3 years ago.

introduction, phenology, morphology, introduction resistance, area, botanical garden, economical value, crop
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