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Abstract (English):
Currently, the main task in the field of dairy and beef cattle breeding is increasing productivity and improving milk quality, i.e. increasing the mass fraction of fat, protein and solids. Red-and-white breed of dairy cattle is a genetically young population, and at present stage, the task of improving the hereditary breed qualities consolidation, productive qualities of animals on the grounds, meet the requirements of productivity and the direction of the breed. The study of the genetic potential of bulls of red and white breed, the results of their use is an urgent problem, since it is necessary to develop a strategy for the development of the industry. The increase in the number of cattle of red-motley breed occurs annually in recent years, the share of the province amounted to more than 70 %. The study was conducted in JSC «Tubinsk» Krasnoturansky district, Krasnoyarsk region, which is a breeding factory on cultivation of cattle of red-motley breed of Yenisei type. In the process of studies the milk production results in the first lactation cows of red-motley breed derived from bulls of various lines were obtained. The level of milk production of cows and milk composition are the main indicators characterizing the economic-useful features of animals. Also milk production is a key indicator in conducting a comparative evaluation of the animals derived from bulls of various lines. It is dependent on the characteristics of animal breed, the conditions of their feeding, housing, care, exploitation, and many other factors. Milk productivity is a key economic indicator in cattle. It has been found that bull Dushes’s daughter in line 3193 of Pabst Governor does not only possess a higher milk yield, but also has the best morphological and functional properties of the udder, which is reasonable to consider in the selection of cows for industrial technology.

productivity, red-motley breed, line, weight, fat and protein
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