Russian Federation
In the article on the basis of experimental studies the authors present the main issues relating to the forensic veterinary examination of animals poisoned with Кonfidor eхtra ®: product characteristics, causes of poisoning, clinical and pathological changes, methods of biological material identification. Кonfidor eхtra ® is a contact-intestinal systemic insecticide of neonicotinoid class used in the plant-growing against a wide range of pests on crops of grain and vegetable. Pesticide poisoning occurs when animals are fed with feed and water containing pesticide. Clinical signs of poisoning include ataxia, gastrointestinal tract hypotension, motor dysfunction, bloating, gas colics, and clonic convulsions. At post-mortem examination there revealed gastric dilatation and overflowing of the stomach in animals (the craw in fowls), intestinal bloating, and congestive hyperemia of the lungs, liver and kidneys; cerebral vessels hyperemia and the dura mater bleedings as well. For chemical-toxicological studies samples of feed and water; the contents of the stomach as well as samples of spleen, liver, and hair (feather) covering should be taken. Residues of imidacloprid in the biological material are evaluated by the TLC- and the HPLC analyses. Forensic veterinary ascertainment of poisoning animals with Konfidor extra® is possible only after the full range of activities: establishing the fact of the use of insecticides in agricultural production; the presence of particular clinical manifestations such as ataxia, gastrointestinal hypotension and atony, clonic convulsions; the results of a post mortem examination (presence of acute dilatation of the stomach in animals and the craw in birds, hydropic degeneration of the liver in mammals and adipose degeneration in fowls), and the detection of residues of imidacloprid in organs and tissues of a corpse or an animal who undergone poisoning.
tra ®, poisoning, forensic veterinary examination
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