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Abstract (English):
Khakassia belongs to the regions with the loss of mineral elements in the soil, hence in the feed, that leads to reducing of poultry productivity, increasing of products cost. The aim of research was to substantiate the using of Khakass bentonites in broilers diets. The research problems were to examine the broilers productivity, to present the economic assessment and to determine the optimal dose. Scientific and economic experiment was made on the poultry farm «Siberian Province» of the Republic of Khakassia. Six groups of cross «Hubbard ISA F15» daily broilers were formed on the principle of analogues in an amount of 60 birds in each group. Chickens were grown on deep litter at the density of 18 birds per square meter. The basic diet was given to the control group. Bentonite in the dose of 1 %, 2 %, 3 % and 4 % respectively from 5-day-old to the end of growing was added to the basic diet for the broilers of four experimental groups. Broilers of the 5th experimental group had free access to bentonite. Research and data processing were carried out according to conventional techniques. The positive effect of Khakass bentonite on livestock parameters was determined. The higher European index of productivity was obtained in the 2nd experimental group - 268, 7 units. The live weight of broilers increased in this group in comparison with the control by 5 % (Р ≤ 0,001) at 100 % of livestock safety, the outlay of fodder reduced by 11,3 %. Bentonite using in condition of free access practically had no impact on the results of cultivation. By using bentonite as mineral supplement for livestock increasing of calcium and inorganic phosphorus concentration in blood was observed. Khakass bentonite is harmless effective mineral supplement. The economic effect is due to the increase of growth rate, the broilers viability, qualitative indicators of meat productivity, improvement in blood biochemical parameters. The optimal dose of bentonite is 2 % of the basic ration. The substantiation is the cost reducing of 1 kg of meat in 16, 3 %, profitability growth in 18, 0 %.

bentonite, broilers, productivity, blood biochemical parameters, the optimal dose, the economic effect
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