Russian Federation
The article presents data on the use of different combinations of hybrid sows. The results indicate a high efficiency of crossbred sows in the hybridization. Selection in practical terms represents a set of measures to assess the hereditary qualities of animals, selection of the best after the evaluation and selection in order to obtain more productive offspring. In this regard, the aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the productive qualities of pigs F1 crossbred of different combinations derived from the hybridization specialized" maternal" and "paternal" type of pig breeds Duroc , Large White , Landrace and Yorkshire Dutch selection . In the experiments we used the following methods: comparative, statistical and zootechnical analyzes. To assess the reproductive qualities of sows there have been formed three groups based on origin, live weight and age. Comparative evaluation of reproductive properties of hybrid sows showed that in combination with landrace boars sows of Holland breeding had the best productivity of the parent form F1 combination Yorkshire × Large White. The results of hybrid fattening calves indicate high meat and feeding qualities of three-pedigree gilts. The best result was in the 3 rd group of young pigs, having combination of YKB with boars Landrace Dutch selection.
breed, Landrace, Duroc, Large White, Yorkshire, hybridization, genotype, ripening
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