This article presents information on the establishment of the Yenisei type of red-motley breed in Siberia. As a result of years of painstaking breeding work has created a unique type of cattle combining in the genotype high rates of milk production, adaptability, suited to the Siberian conditions of feeding and maintenance. The aim of the study was to evaluate methods for improving red-and-white cattle when creating intrabreed types “Yenisei". Objectives of research: a comparative evaluation of offspring derived from pure breeding and crossing with the use of Holstein bulls and breeds Swedish red-and-white suit; to test animals of a new type of distinctness, uniformity and stability, to justify the prospects of their cultivation in the Siberian region. The milk productivity of cows of the Yenisei type meets the requirements of target standards for the type and was on the breeding farms-originators for 2013 5355 kg of milk with fat content of 3,87%, protein was 3,13%, outperforming cows-peers red-motley breed on by the yield of 668 kg of milk, fat mass fraction is 0,19%, protein was on 0,02%. Young Yenisei type is characterized by high intensity of growth and high precocity. Chicks Yenisei type in comparison with red-and-white had the excess of live weight in 12 months to 37 kg (14,6%), which is 18 months - 30 kg (8,3%), first-calf cows - 52 kg (11,0%), adult cows, 47 kg (8,5%). Identified ways to further improve the Yenisei type in improving the genetic potential of milk production and consolidation of herds on body type. New Yenisei type of red-motley breed is recognized as a new selection achievement for which a patent was issued in June 22, 2009 № 4804 and is recognised by the responsible for animal production-improving techniques and is recommended for wide use in the Siberian region.
heifer, firstcalf cow, cow, bull, genealogy, milk yield, genetic potential, distribution, population
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