One of the leading factors of formation of phytogenous fields of wood plants is accumulation of an allelopathic of active agents. The researches conducted earlier showed three types of reactions to a phytogenous field of trees of a scots pine the II class of age, growing on dumps of the coal industry: in aninternal zone views with positive reaction, in transitional zone - with adaptive, in external zone - with negative dominate. The present researches are directed on studying the influence of a laying in each zone, on germination of seeds of the cultures possessing various complementary reaction - respectively - a scots pine (Pinussylvestris L.), the tributary yellow (Melilotusofficinalis L.) and a garden radish (Raphanussativus L. convar. radicula) as universal test culture. The method of biological tests of A.M. Grodzinsky was used. The following indicators were studied: dynamics of germination, energy of germination, viability, length of sprouts at the time of viability calculation, influence of kolin was determined by a scale of the conditional coumarinic of units (CCU). It was established that germination of seeds of a pine was suppressed in a laying extract from external zone, it was slightly less intransitional zone, was suppressed slightly to an extract from internal zone. Tributary yellow, on the contrary, was strongly suppressed in internal zone, and in transitional zone and external zone germination indicators almost always correspond to control. Germination of a garden radish considera-blywas suppressed in an extract from internal zone, it was slightly less, but with an essential difference with control, suppressed in an extract from transitional zone, and in an extract from external zone suppression isn't noted. Thus, allelopathic influence of kolin completely corresponds to reaction of these species of plants to a phytogenous field of trees of a pine. The mechanism of this phenomenon is connected with formation of trees of the protective zone interfering the settlement of other types and instability of a pine to knees of grassy plants at a stage of germination of seeds.
technogenic eluviums, scots pine, phytogenous field, allelopathy, viability, energy of germination, conventional coumarinic units
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