The purpose of research was the estimation of an opportunity of use of waste of aluminous manufacture as deoxidant sour ground for increase of fertility ground Krasnoyarsk region. As object of researches are chosen nepheline slime -waste of aluminous manufacture of Open Society “RUSAL Achinsk”. With application of physical and chemical methods of the analysis and electronic microscopy the chemical and mineralogical structure of the given waste is certain and their physical and chemical, morphological and toxic properties are investigated. It is noted, that nepheline slime, stored on slime field on 80-85 % represent silicate 2CaO×SiO2. According to the phase analysis nepheline slime it is presented basically larnit (b-Ca2SiO4) with a small impurity rankinit (Ca3Si2O7). The presence of weak lines of soda (Na2CO3×H2O) and carbonates of calcium (CaCO3,) is also noted. Results of the analysis have shown, that the maintenance oxid calcium in nepheline slime reaches 55 % and рН has the high alkaline environment. It specifies high neutralized ability of waste of Open Society “RUSALAchinsk”. On the basis of studying properties calcium containing waste of aluminous manufacture the opportunity of their use as deoxidant for processing by alkali grey wood ground the western areas of Krasnoyarsk region is confirmed.
nepheline slime, mineralogical structure, microelement structure calcium containing waste, deoxidant, sour ground
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