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Abstract (English):
The lake Baikal attracts scientists and tourists from all over the world. Its flora and fauna are very rich and varied in the number of unique inhabitants. One of such inhabitants of the lake is the Baikal seal. Baikal seal is one of three freshwater species of seals along with Saimaa and Ladoga seals. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is endemic and the only mammal of Baikal. The aim of this study was to examine the extraorganic arteries of spleen, liver, stomach and pancreas of Baikal seal. We used a complex of morphological methods of re-search: implementation of corrosive agents by in-jection vessels, ducts and various other cavities solidified masses, including assembly foam “Makrofleks” fire foam “Invamat”, delicate dissec-tion, morphometry by the caliper, ruler and protrac-tor; graphic simulation of the arteries using the pro-gram Corel Draw X7. It was revealed that the celiac artery was the main source of blood supply of the spleen, stomach, liver and pancreas of tBaikal seal. It was noted branching into 2 main trunks: splenic and liver. The left gastric artery may extend to 86 % from the hepatic artery, or in 14 % of cases it was from the spleen. It traced the relationship between the shape of the body and the nature of branching vessels: the left gastric artery in the lesser curva-ture of the stomach; splenic artery along the body; hepatic artery in the body of each share; pancreatic branches from several sources (spleen, liver, crani-al pancreatic-duodenum) per share in the gland. Left gastroepiploic artery can be an extension of the gastric or splenic branches. The blood supply to the stomach of the Baikal seal noted a large num-ber of anastomoses between: gastric branches of the left gastric and splenic from gastro-duodenal and left gastric, left gastric and right gastroepiploic arteries.

Baikal seal, blood supply, extraorganic artery, spleen, liver, stomach, pancreas
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