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Abstract (English):
For the purpose of expansion of idea of endur-ance and adaptation limits to stress factors of the sort Inula L. representatives the research of fea-tures of heavy metals accumulation and digestion by the phytomass of plants in the regions of Kabardino-Balkar Republic was conducted. In the conditions of moderate technogenic pollution ele-vated phytomass of Inula britannica L. accumulates heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd) more than under-ground phytomass. In the conditions of strong technogenic pollution heavy metals are distributed in phytomass more evenly. Thus extent of biologi-cal accumulation of heavy metals decreases. In the area with moderate technogenic pollution accumu-lation of heavy metals phytomass decreases from cadmium to copper (Cd>Zn>Pb>Cu), and in the conditions of the strong technogenic pollution from cadmium to lead (Cd>Cu>Zn>Pb). Coefficient of heavy metals phytomass of Inula britannica L. translocation at moderate pollution of the soil de-creases from zincum to lead (Zn>Cu>Cd>Pb), and at strong from cadmium to copper (Cd>Zn>Pb>Cu). Phytotoxicity of a molybdenum in a tsenopopulation of Inula britannica L. is shown at concentration of metal more than 100 mg/kg of the soil. Molyb-denum accumulates mainly rhizomes and roots of plants. Indicators of bioindication of the mainte-nance of molybdenum in toxiferous concentration are the escape height, diameter of a stalk, quantity of leaves and baskets. The high translocational coefficient of cadmium along with the considerable potential of seed and vegetative reproduction is done by Inula britannica L. perspective for a fitoremediation of the lands polluted by cadmium. Considering high probability of the air and sheet pollution by lead and cadmium of elevated phytomass of Inula britannica L., sites for prepara-tion of raw materials should be chosen out of zones of influence of highways and the intensive industrial production.

Inula britannica L, heavy metals, technogenic pollution, biological accumulation, translocational coefficient
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