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Abstract (English):
The increase of grain production efficiency of a spring-sown field and barley assumes technologies improvement of their cultivation, including optimiza-tion of the main processing of the soil of which share is up to 40 % of labor and power expenses. Relevance of these questions especially increased in connection with differentiation of farms on the level of security material, a manpower and intensity of agriculture. On the basis of the said above the object was set: in the conditions of JSC «Krestyanskoye farm "Polesia" of the Uyarsky area to study various ways of processing of the soil on a weed component and efficiency of grain crops. Within two years (2013-2014) in crops of spring-sown field and barley moisture reserves were de-termined by options, the accounting of a contami-nation in crops of cultures was carried out and productivity of a spring-sown field and barley was defined. The spring-sown field and barley were cul-tivated in JSC Polesia in the bare fallow crop rota-tions with the following alternation of cultures bare fallow-wheat-wheat; bare fallow-wheat-barley. The traditional technology of cultivation of a spring-sown field and barley on the predecessor (on wheat) consisted in preparation of a ploughland. Plowing by a plow of PN-8-35 was carried out right after cleaning of the predecessor on depth of 22-24 cm. The resource-saving technology (minimum) included superficial loosening after cleaning of the predecessor to 15 cm the Diskomaster BD-8m tool. Zero processing of the soil and direct crops were carried out by the sowing Agrator-8500 complex. Decrease in intensity and depth of the main pro-cessing of the soil (application of the minimum and zero processing) lead to deterioration of a phytosanitary situation in crops of a spring-sown field and barley. On average in two years the quan-tity of weed plants increased in crops of grain crops on 8-12 copies on one square meter. In turn by these options to crops of cultures the amount of productive moisture by years on 1.4-18.1 mm in-creases. Productivity of a spring-sown field at zero processing of the soil decreases, and at cultivation at the minimum processing of the soil increases. The efficiency of the barley cultivated on minimum processed soil and at direct crops by years above control option.

resource-saving, minimizing, system of processing of the soil, system of protection of plants, chernozyom soils, weed plants, productivity of barley, productivity of wheat, productive mois-ture, biopower coefficient
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