Modern world dictates strict requirements for re-search, the days when any person engaged in sci-ence, could introduce his nomenclature, its desig-nation of a well-known human society object are gone. For the most efficient and successful devel-opment of science, not only Russian but also world, we need to use a precise and unique terminology. One important aspect of the mentioned above is a nomenclature. The purpose of this research is to summarize the scientific literature on the uniform nomenclature of synanthropic dogs. We carried out an analysis of foreign and Russian literature in the period from 1875 to 2006, in the reviewed publica-tions until the first half of the twentieth century mainly Canine issues were covered: laws stipulat-ing the origin of dogs, a variety of species and the process of rock formation, structure and physiology of dogs; keeping, breeding. In all analyzed scientific publications there is no single evidence-based ter-minology for different ecological groups of dogs. Scientific journals authors used in their research terms, devoid of scientific basis. The key to use the words of the colloquial, everyday speech, with no scientific basis and do not reflect ecological niche animals. Not adhering to any system, each time the researchers are trying to build their own nomencla-ture, allowing them to operate the material obtained in the course of scientific activity.
nomenclature, ecology, synanthro-pic dogs, habit
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