The goal of research was to study the positive samples distribution to influenza virus subtype A in wild and synanthropic birds according to districts of Krasnoyarsk region with the zonation of high-risk infection of human and farm animals. The selection of biological material from165 bird species in 2006-2014 in 5 districts was made. In 2006-2010 anti-bodies to the hemagglutinin subtype H5 were de-tected in 420 samples in 19 districts, RNA of avian influenza subtypes H5 and H7 - in 13 districts of Krasnoyarsk region. In 2011-2012, and especially in 2013-2014 the selection of samples was carried out in a much smaller amount, but these data were generally consistent with previously adopted by zonation of epizootic danger. The largest number of samples (+) were isolated from birds in 9 districts (80 % were in MRIA and 87.4 % were PCR). The high association between the percentage of im-mune and infected birds (rs = 0.77 at P> 0.05) is marked in 6 districts. It is assumed that the in-crease of immune birds’ abundance is a conse-quence of the herd immunity effect, due to the co-lonial settlements of gulls, rooks and regular flocks of crows in their feeding ground. Research of faunal composition showed relatively high contingence (rs = 0.79 P <0.05) between the percentage of infected birds within the migration area and the abundance of species belonging to the Tibetan, Mongolian and Chinese types of fauna. The issues related to eco- logical and epizootiological zonation of southern part of Krasnoyarsk region were considered with taking into account of structure of migratory bird habitat, involving in the spread of avian influenza, as well as their faunogenesis. Places with high-risk infection of people and farm animals were identified in the process of field and laboratory work, which will allow swift planning and implementing the nec-essary complex of prophylactic measures to pre-vent the spread of the most dangerous pathogens.
influenza A virus (IAV), birds, fly-ways, bird migration, the most dangerous patho-gens, epizootic, environmental safety
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