Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of our work was the identification of the example of mouse-like rodents transfor-mation of the animal population connected with impact of cabins and fires on their natural habitats in the conditions of Northern Sikhote-Alin (the Far East of Russia). For achievement of goal field works on the accounting of rodents from July to August in 2009 and 2010 on 5 key sites located in the Vaninsk region of Khabarovsk region were car-ried out. Using the standard method of trap-lines it was found out that the most abundant species in the study area were northern red-back vole (Myodes rutilus (Pallas, 1779)), the share of all trapped animals was 54.3 %. Violation of a radical vegetation cover leads to universal decrease in the number and share of this kind in the population of rodents. The red-gray vole (M. rufocanus (Sundevall, 1846)) is widespread around the area of research. In slightly violated areas its share is not great. In heavily transformed larch forests under the action of natural and anthropogenic factors large-toothed red-back vole is dominant; among changed spruce-fir forests its share in the popula-tion is high only in the sedge-reed grass habitats, which were formed in the places of native conifer-ous forests. The East Asian mouse (Apodemus peninsulae (Thomas, 1907)) - the constant but few associate of small mammals, is spread in all types of a habitat where its share among all caught small animals was 18.3 %. The maximum number of this kind is reached in the valley woods playing a role of the ecological corridors allowing getting a kind into adverse habitats.

rodents, population structure, dynamics number, anthropogenous influence, vegetation transformation, Northern Sikhote-Alin
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