Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
N the Red Book of Primorsky region 214 species of vascular plants were included. The study contains the information about 30 "Red Book" species of vascular plants with a view to clarify data on their distribution and ecology in Primorsky region. The data on the floristic findings were obtained during field work in the Primorye for 1992-2015. For species Aralia continentalis, Codonopsis pilosula, Hepatica asiatica, Lilium cernuum, Podocarpium oldhamii were discovered in most eastern location in the southern Primorye. A new location discovered for Dimeria neglecta, Oxalis obtriangulata, Rhynchospora fujiiana filled the gap between the western and eastern points of these species in Primorye. The information about the spread of the following protected plant species within Primorsky region was added: Bergenia pacifica, Cypripedium calceolus, Cypripedium guttatum, Cypripedium macranthon, Cypripedium ventricosum, Galearis cyclochila, Galium paradoxum, Gonocormus minutus, Juniperus rigida, Iris ensata, Iris laevigata, Kalopanax septemlobus, Liparis japonica, Melilotoides schischkinii, Neottianthe cucullata, Paeonia lactiflora, Paeonia obovata, Paeonia oreogeton, Pyrrosia petiolosa, Teucrium ussuriense, Tulotis ussuriensis. Specified collection site and habitat for each "Red Book" species were presented. This made it possible to some extent to judge about the ecological and phytocoenotic features of the protected plants discussed in the article. For species Botrychium strictum, Dimeria neglecta, Podocarpus oldhamii filled with information about their ecological and phytocoenotic preferences in Primorye. It was noted that the population of Aralia continentalis, Botrychium strictum, Dimeria neglecta, Teucrium ussuriense survive under anthropogenic changes of vegetation

new locations, Red data book, Primorsky region
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1. Krasnaya kniga Primorskogo kraya. Rasteniya. - Vladivostok: AVK «Apel'sin», 2008. - 688 s.

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