Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the most important factors of receiving high-quality planting material for cultivation in con-tainers is the balanced mineral food for providing use of fertilizers of the prolonging action, such as Osmocote and Basacote is perspective. Alternative to expensive fertilizers and one of the perspective low-studied directions of mineral food of saplings is application of natural minerals, such as glaukonit also zeolite, in complex with mineral fertilizers. In South Ural one of the largest in Russia field of a glaukonit, in this connection the development of preparations of complex action on the basis of this mineral will allow to expand a range of its practical application is actively developed. The purpose of researches was the assessment of efficiency of introduction to composition of artificial soil of a glaukonit in the form of an independent additive and in the form of a complex with mineral nitrogen at cultivation of saplings of an apricot in containers. The experiment was made in 2015 on the basis of JSC NPO “Gardens of Russia”(Chelyabinsk re-gion). The assessment of soils acidity, the mainte-nance of batteries was carried out according to the existing normative documents. By options of expe-rience length of a vegetative gain of a sapling and diameter of a root neck of a sapling were noted. By results of researches it was established that water-ing of the saplings developing in containers leads to intensive washing away of nitrate nitrogen that causes violation of absorption processes of potas-sium and microcells and conducts to manifestation of starvation and decrease in marketability of sap-lings. Introduction to composition of soil of a com-plex of a glaukonit with mineral nitrogen significant-ly reduces lability of nitrate nitrogen without allow-ing its washing away when watering and providing the favorable level of nitrogen for saplings through-out all vegetative period. This reception allowed us to increase the quality of the saplings of an apricot which are grown in containers in the film green-house.

apricot, a sapling with the closed root system, glaukonit, mineral food
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