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Abstract (English):
Sea buckthorn is an industrial culture of Western Siberia. In the Central part of Russia till nowadays it has been cultivated in kitchen gardens. In recent years the demand for the fruit has increased several times. It affected the intensity of sea buckthorn orchard planting in Russia, including the central part of it. However, not all varieties are suitable for these purposes. In All-Russia research institute for horticulture named after I.V. Michurin this crop has been grown since 1975. Currently the collection fund has 50 variety samples. The aim of the research was to evaluate 34 varieties of the most important economic-useful characteristics and further recommendations for the most promising for sea buckthorn orchard planting in the Central part of Russia. The research objectives were to study the average weight of fruit and productivity of researched varieties. Methodological basis of research was the "Program and methods of Cultivation study of fruit, berries and nut crops" (Orel, 1999). As a result of the research a group of large-fruited varieties was distinguished: Aromatnaya, Botanicheskaya lubitelskaya, Velikan, GAISh-1, Lubimaya, Obilnaya, Oranzhevaya, Panteleevskaya, Prevoskhodnaya, Samorodok, Chuiskaya and Yantarnaya berry. The yield in average during the years of studies ranged from 3.27 to 7.63 kg from the tree. Standard variety Novost Altaya was surpassed by the following cultures: Avgustinka, Aromatnaya, Botanicheskaya aromatnaya, Botanicheskaya lubitelskaya, Velikan, GAISh-1, Kovalyovskaya, Krasnoplodnaya, Lomonosovskaya, Lubimaya, Obilnaya, Oranzhevaya, Otradnaya, Panteleevskaya, Princess Turandot, Samorodok, Sbibirskaya, Trofimovskaya, Hodnenskaya, Chuis-kaya, Yantarnaya and Yantarnaya berry. The effect of weather conditions on the studied parameters was determined. There were obtained promising varieties for cultivation in the Central part of Russia: Velikan, Botanicheskaya lubitelskaya, Panteleevskaya and Yantarnaya berry.

sea-buckthorn, productivity, sort, fruit, mass, fruit quality
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