Species of the family Goldeneye (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) are an important component of natu-ral and anthropogenic biocenoses. Most species feed on insects from the order Homoptera and her-bivorous mites (Acarina). Seventeen species of Chrysopidae in seven genera are distributed in the south of Primorye Territory, five species - Aperthochrysa joannisi Burm., Chrysopa cognata McLach., Ch. septempunctata Wesm., Mallada cognatella Okam., Cunctochrysa albolineata Killing-ton - are given on the basis of published data. The data on the station confinement, topical connec-tions with vascular plants and phenology of twelve species of Chrysopidae in the south of Primorye territory (Russian Far East) are discussed. The ma-terial for the work served on our data (2005-2015) and the collection material. Five topical groups are distinguished on the basis of data on the biology of Chrysopidae and their confinement to certain vascu-lar plants of different life forms in the study area: dendrobionts - the inhabitants of trees and woody vines (41.7 % of the species), dendro-tamnobionts - the inhabitants of trees, shrubs, woody vines (16.7 % of the species), tamno-chortobionts - inhabitants of shrubs and herbaceous tier (8.3 % of the spe-cies), chortobionts - the inhabitants of the grassy tiers (8.3 % of the species), eurybionts - marked on trees, shrubs, woody vines and herbs (25 % of the species). Chrysopidae is marked on vascular plants, belonging to 13 families. The representa-tives of four families - Poaceae, Oleaceae, Betulaceae, Grossulariaceae. In terms of adult flight l of Chrysopidae are preferred in the condi-tions of the region three phenological groups were established: spring-autumn group (8.3 % of the species), summer group (50% of the species), and summer-autumn group (41.7 % of the species).
insects, Neuroptera, lacewings, statial timing, topical groups, dates of imago flight, phenological groups, ecology, Southern Primorye
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