Russian Federation
The article presents the comparative evaluation of the exterior and playfulness of two groups of Tuvinian horses. The purpose of this study was to assess and identify some of the distinguishing fea-tures of the exterior of the Tuvinian horses’ sports direction for the development of minimum require-ments for a desirable type of horses suitable for participation in the national kinds of equestrian sports - speed run. Research conducted in the De-partment of animal science of agricultural faculty of Tuvinian state university in the period 2009-2015. Experimental work was performed in the private stud farms located in the southern and Western districts the Republic of Tyva. All horses were ex-amined by assessing body type, features of the exterior. Exterior features of horses were studied by the measurements using the index method. Athletic performance of horses was considered by the best indicators of their vitality at the distance of 20,000 km in under 4 years and at the distance of 32.000 m at the age of 5 years and older. The analysis found that in Tuvinian horses one can distinguish at least two main types according to some exterior signs: harness and horse. Horses in harness type are more strongly pronounced signs of forest hors-es, and the second type is dominated by the ele-ments of dryness in the Constitution. Tuvinian horses of riding type 4 and 5 years and older ex-ceeded the harness height at withers 9.2 % and 8.0 %; the oblique body length was 5.3 % and 8.4 %; chest girth 1.9 % and 1.8 %; the metacarpus of 0.1-0.7 cm. When calculating the index horse type harness was slightly inferior to the type index on the physique. The horses of the experimental group at the age of 4 and 5 years of age and older in terms of agility superior to the control group 5.81-7,66 minutes or speed of 7.4 km/h 6.9 km/h. Scien-tifically based minimum requirements for the de-sired type, which must be considered by breeders when breeding horses Tuvinian sport are given.
the Republic of Tyva, the Tuvan horse, equestrian, style, horse, harness, exterior, index
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