Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Botflies, parasitic dipterans are most special-ized. They have adapted to parasitizing in the larval phase for many mammals, i.e. ungulates, lago-morphs, rodents and man. They are met as the rep-resentatives of the wild fauna and farm animals. The greatest damage to animal husbandry is brought by 4 species of hypodermic gadflies Hypo-derma bovis De Geer, H.lineatum De Villers parasi-tizing on cattle, Hypoderma diana are parasitizes of marals and Oedemagena tarandi L. is parasite of reindeers. Because of losses in rawhide, wool, ad-ditional weights, because of death of animals’ live-stock farms of Siberia receive less production for billions of rubles. Naturally, the special attention was paid to studying of these species of parasites by researchers and practicians of animal hus- bandry. 166 scientists took part in researches on their studying, experts, entomologists, doctors of 29 research establishments (RE). And to studying of hypodermic gadflies of cattle (Hypoderma bovis De Geer., H.lineatum De Vill.) 89 works were devoted, hypodermic gadflies of reindeers (Oedemagena tarandi L.) were 63, hypodermic gadflies of marals (H. diana Br.) were described by 14 researchers. High share of participation of specialists of institu-tions of the European part of the country was looked through (13 NIU). The analysis of works on the directions showed that their most part was the share of development of means and methods of protection was 35.5 %, to studying of an epizootic situation on hypodermatosis was 26.6 %, activator ecology was 21.0 %, the development of methodi- cal approaches of researches was 9.3 %. The dom-inating part of researches executed in Western Si-beria equals to 68.2 %, Eastern Siberia and the Far East are equal to 16.4 and 15.4 %, respectively.

hypodermic gadflies, researches of scientists, research institutions, Siberia, Far East
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