The influence of such soil indicators as tempera-ture, humidity, reaction of the environment, soil density, porosity, on mobilization of mobile nutrients was studied. By the information and logical analysis optimum conditions of the maintenance of mobile batteries were established: nitrate (25-30 mg/kg) and ammonia nitrogen (> 3 mg on 100 g of the soil), mobile phosphorus (> 24 mg on 100 g), ex-change potassium (> 40 mg on 100 g) at various values of soil indicators. The resulting coefficients of the difficulty of communication made it possible to build the dependence of batteries in importance from soil factors. The importance of indicators in the mobilization of nitrate nitrogen was in the se-quence: porosity > reaction medium > soil temper-ature > humidity > density. Role properties in the behavior of ammonia nitrogen were arranged in the following series: soil temperature > humidity > po-rosity > reaction medium > density. In order of the importance in the mobilization of mobile phospho-rus indicators will be displayed in the following or-der: porosity > soil temperature > density > humid-ity > environment reaction. The weightings deter-mine the soil content of exchange potassium in the following range: temperature > porosity > reaction medium > density > moisture. On the basis of cer-tain specific conditions, it was possible to create optimal conditions for the mobilization of the availa-ble elements of power to form high and stable yields in agricultural ecosystems.
mobilizing, moving feeding ele-ments, temperature, soil density, porosity, reaction medium, humidity, specific conditions
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